In 1997, at the age of 16, Alex Lavrov had to leave his home of Ukraine and went to Israel as a student. The detachment from family and friends and the culture shock of the unfamiliar environment proved to be quite a challenge. Art became an integral part of his life and helped him to mentally deal with the challenges of daily life and to process the deeper emotional struggles. His art career could be said to have been born out of pain. Since those difficult times, his involvement in the arts developed into something more, a tool for self-knowledge and an understanding of the inner workings of the mind.
His intent as an artist is to share with others his insights into the subjects of psychology and philosophy depicted through the symbolic imagery in his artworks. Working mainly with oils on canvas, Alex Lavrov uses improvisation as his main method for creating his artworks. The subjects of his paintings unfold by themselves during the creative process. In 2007, he permanently moved to Canada and currently lives and works in Vancouver, BC.