Norman Watson

Norman Earl Watson (NEW) (he/him) is a primarily self taught artist residing in Vancouver, BC. He could be considered a mixed media artist. He can use almost any medium, pens, pencils, chalk, charcoal, and paint to make what he sees tangible. His art is a way of escape, to slow his thought process down, to have a pin point of focus.
Norman Watson is a non-status native person who has done various types of art since he was a little kid. Through hardships when he was young he had to put his efforts into his art. Norman tends to get lost in his thoughts, thinking too much. He might seem like he is ignoring everybody, but he is thinking about everything all at once. He has always been a little shy and standoffish, until he feels comfortable with you. Normally he’d try to be positive about everything. The passing on of three family members in four years (all in November, and December), affected him by throwing him into a depression. He started drawing again to do as much art as he could to stay busy, and sane, especially during the Christmas season. This shifted his art to be quite a bit darker. Recently, he has been trying to shift it into something a little less gloomy, and bleak.
Artwork Gallery (Click images to enlarge)
Artwork Below may be Different from what is Shown at the Exhibit